11 Interesting Facts About Dolphins You Probably Do Not Know

Amazing Pacific White-Sided Dolphins cruising by with their fam - little baby dolphins frolicking in the ocean having fun 🐬 shot on the Mavic Zoom 🤙 Follow along our Adventures here: https://adventurers.cc/notebook Check our curated Trip Packages here: https://adventurers.cc/adventure-trip-packages OR let us create a totally custom Bespoke Adventure trip for you: https://adventurers.cc/bespoke-adventures Music by: Robert Cashman - Seaweed https://soundcloud.com/robertcashman/seaweed

Dolphins are incredibly powerful, majestic, and awesome creatures.

Seeing them from a boat (or drone) is cool, but being fortunate enough to see them swimming under water by you is on an entirely different echelon of experiencing these magnificent animals.

I’m sure we can all agree we would like a pet dolphin if that was possible (eg. Flipper). However, that is not realistic and they are best left enjoying nature by themselves, so please let them be.

So let’s dive right in then.

Here are 7 interesting facts you probably have not heard about dolphins:


1. Most dolphins are right handed (err finned)

A recent study was published in the Royal Society Open Science showcasing this unique characteristic. Here is a less scientific article discussing how dolphins prefer to use their right fins.

2. Sometimes they swim in formation with other animals

This would be an extraordinary site to see! Different dolphin species and sea lions swimming in formation together under water!

3. The Risso’s dolphin only has 7 teeth

This specie has 0 teeth in the upper jaw and only 7 teeth in the lower jaw! They clearly do not do much chewing nor have to worry about brushing that many teeth.

4. Dolphins power nap and take multiple naps a day

Dolphins rest one hemisphere of their brain for a period of 15-20 minutes at a time. These power naps enable them to continue swimming, breathing, eating, having fun, and of course… watching for predators 24/7/365.

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5. typically only about 1/3 of the dolphin pod is visible above the water

Ever try counting a pod of dolphins? It’s pretty tough and this interesting fact makes it likely the last time you counted a pod of dolphins, there were probably more cruising on by underwater.

6. Dolphins can not breathe under water

This one might be obvious, but sometimes the most obvious things are the things we miss. Dolphins have to surface around 8-10 minutes because that is how long they can hold their breath. Did you know the world record for a human holding their breath is over 22 minutes? Suddenly, 8-10 minutes seems like an easy feat for an animal that spends most of its time underwater.

7. "Super pods" of dolphins exist of near 5,000 dolphins (and have been seen!)

Well, this truly would be an astonishing sight to see!


Even though we are still working on figuring out dolphin language, researchers have uncovered that dolphins have a specific and unique sound for each other and themselves. Eeueueeeeeuuacekeeee = John (just kidding!).


9. Their skin is regenerated about every 2 hours

Our skin works in a similar fashion (approximately 27 days), but 2 hours is an incredibly fast pace. This is why their skin is so sleek and smooth.

10. Dolphins draft behind boats and whales

Just like runners know, drafting behind others helps you run faster via less resistance and saves energy. The same can be applied to dolphins. Dolphins know how to draft behind boats and whales to swim more efficiently.

11. The military has (and may still be) used dolphins for various missions

The same city (San Diego) that hosts SeaWorld is also home to the Navy Marine Mammal Program stationed at the Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR). Apparently, they have trained dozens of bottlenose dolphins (and sea lions) to facilitate the US Navy in locating underwater mines, searching for enemy swimmers, and even guarding nuclear arsenals.

And with that, we are all now a little smarter or will utilize these random facts for a fun night of trivia.

Let us know in the comments below something interesting you know about dolphins!

P.S. So long and thanks for all the fish! ;)



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